"The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16b)
Join us in praying for the work! CMIAID sends out a monthly prayer bulletin and newsletter by email or post. You can sign up for these on this site or email us at with your email or postal address and we will be happy to send them to you.
If the Lord has laid on your heart the needs of this ministry and you would like to support financially there are several convenient ways that you can do it.

CMIAID regularly sends containers loads of aid from Australia and the United Kingdom to Moldova. We also receive regular shipments from Singapore. Containers are packed with many different types of aid to supply the work in Moldova and to enable us to continue providing help to the community through the CMIAID Community Assistance Program.
In the containers we send clothing, furniture, medical equipment, medical consumables, toiletries, toys, fire-fighting equipment, stationery, bedding and many other items.
If there is a collection in the area where you live and you would like to help please carefully follow the instructions on the Current Needs List.
We can only receive the items on the list. We cannot receive second hand clothes, shoes or toys. Neither do we have a facility to handle prescription spectacles. Goods need to be delivered to a collection point.
Collection point information is provided on the downloadable Current Needs List: