Online GiftAid Declaration
If you are a UK taxpayer you can boost your donation by
25 pence of GiftAid for every 1 pound you donate!
If you would prefer to download and print a form please click the link below
You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that we reclaim on your donations (currently 25p for each £1 you give), together with those made to other charities, in the tax year. If you pay tax at the higher rate, you can claim further tax relief in your Self-Assessment tax return.
Please notify us:
As your declaration covers donations you may make in the future, please let us know if you change your name or address while the declaration is still in force. You can cancel the declaration at any time by notifying us – it will then not apply to donations you make on or after the date of cancellation or such later date as you specify. If in the future your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax on your income and capital gains equal to the tax that charities may reclaim, you can cancel your declaration by notifying us.